Understanding Keratoconus & the Importance of Early Diagnosis

Corneal Cross-Linking

Not long ago, a diagnosis of progressive keratoconus left patients with few treatment options.

Today, Avedro’s Photrexa® Viscous (riboflavin 5’-phosphate in 20% dextran ophthalmic solution), Photrexa® (riboflavin 5’-phosphate ophthalmic solution), and KXL® system are FDA-approved for use in corneal cross-linking and provide patients with a one-time, minimally invasive therapeutic treatment to limit the progression of their condition

What is Keratoconus?


[ker-uh-toh-koh-nuh s]

Keratoconus or “KC” is a non-inflammatory eye condition in which the normally round dome-shaped cornea progressively thins causing a cone-like bulge to develop. This results in significant visual impairment.

Who’s Affected by Keratoconus?

Keratoconus Affects Both Genders

although it is unclear whether significant differences exist between males and females2

The Disease is Also Found in Ethnic Groups

with some studies showing higher incidence rates among Asian populations, in particular


is estimated to occur in
1OUT OF EVERY /2,000
persons in the U.S. population

Signs & Symptoms of Keratoconus

usually first appear in the late teens and early twenties

Excessively Rubbing Eyes

Mildly Blurred Vision

Difficulty Seeing at Night

Frequent Changes in Eyeglass Prescription

Frequent Headaches

Vision that Cannot Be Corrected with Glasses

Risk Factors for Keratoconus

While the exact cause of keratoconus is unknown,

it is believed that genetics, the environment and the endocrine system all play a role

Some KC cases have a hereditary component and studies indicate that


Importance of Early Detection

KC is a progressive condition which worsens over time, so early diagnosis is critical

Example of Keratoconus Progression Over Time*

*Individual outcomes may vary. The depiction may not reflect the typical keratoconus patient’s experience and the timeline may vary. It is not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will have the same or similar outcomes.